Current News
Welcome to Killusty National School!
Beannachtaí agus Fáilte go Scoil Náisiúnta Cill Loiste!
Physical Education
Sports Day 2023
Killusty N.S. held Sports Day on June 6th 2023. The weather obliged on the day as the children enjoyed many activity stations in the morning followed by an al fresco Teddy Bears picnic and ice cream. The races were held in the afternoon - some fun, some competitive. The day finished off with rounders and basket-ball. Much fun was had by all.
In Killusty National School we carry out at least one hour of Physical Education each week. Our participation in the Active School Flag initiative has resulted in additional time given to physical activity. Teachers have undertaken CPD this year in 'Move Well Move Often'. Active School is on the agenda of all staff meetings and we discuss various school improvement steps in this area. There are regular audits taken of the P.E. inventory and investment made where needed.
The P.E. Curriculum
There are 6 strands in the P.E. curriculum: Athletics Dance Games Gymnastics Outdoor and Adventure Aquatics
5 out of the 6 strands are covered each year in school, with Aquatics (water safety) being taught in Clonmel Swimming Pool for 10 weeks starting in January each year.